


Maggie Morgan

01590 623849 07977 095357

Mo Parker

02380 862301 07986 861545


Juliet Thompson

02380 283384

New Members and Visitors Welcome

Class Fee £4

Advanced Class alternate Mondays by invitation

AutumnTERM 2024

11 September to 18 December

Spring Term 2025

8 January to 9 April

Summer Term 2025

30 April to 16 July

Christmas Dance 2024

Saturday 14 December dancing to CDs

Spring Tea Dance

Sunday 11 May 2025 dancing to the

Ian Robertson Duo

Three of our members are fully qualified teachers of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.

Our Display Team is regularly called upon to provide demonstrations,

or to lead ceilidhs for  parties and public displays. 

For further details click on

 What is Scottish Country dancing? 

 You don't have to be a Scot to find your foot tapping to the irresistible rhythms of our stirring reels, jigs and traditional strathspeys.  Scottish Dancing is an energetic fun way to keep fit, in mind and body, to meet new people, make new friends and be part of our welcoming family.

You don't need to have a partner.  Come along on your own, or with a friend, be they male or female.  Whoever you are, wherever you are from, do come and dance with us.

Dress is 'smart casual'.  As a new comer all that we ask is that you wear a soft, preferably flat soled shoe.

Scottish Country Dancing is live and flourishing in the South of England.  Several classes and social clubs meet regularly in the area throughout the year, and there are social dances or balls within a 50 mile radius most weekends.

Here in the New Forest we provide regular classes from beginner level through improvers to an advanced class.

Our Advanced Class meets every two weeks to practice more ambitious dances and to prepare for our various displays.

For details of annual events organised by the New Forest Scottish Country Dancers click on

New Forest Scottish Country dancers

meet each Wednesday during Term Time at the

Methodist Church Hall, Avenue Road,

Brockenhurst, SO42 7RT 

7.15 to 9.45 pm.